Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Valley Stream State Park on 2/24/2024(statepark24)

This Sunday 2.24, the Great Neck branch of AYLUS went to Valley Stream State Park and volunteered cutting down and removing tons of invasive bamboo. Some volunteers were moving the bamboo, and other volunteers were cutting down bamboo. These efforts were very successful and cleared out massive patches of bamboo. Volunteers helped each other cut and carry the invasive bamboo from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. These volunteers worked hard and put effort into clearing the bamboo to make sure that Valley Stream State Park stays healthy.

Volunteers: jinkuan Chen (2.5 hrs), Tinglan Chen (2.5 hrs),Andrew Qian(3 hrs)

Updated: June 4, 2024 — 12:07 am

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