Orange Branch participates in Rise Against Hunger 9/23

Reported by: Monica Chen

On Saturday, September 23, AYLUS Orange members Ethan and Monica went to a church in Orange to participate in an event called Rise in Hunger which packages bags of pre-made food for children in Africa. In the baggies were rice, soy, vitamins, and veggies as well as a micronutrient package. There were many steps in this process, but Monica and Ethan focused on making sure the weight of all the packages were relatively equal. They had to be within a given range, and if out of the range they had to use spoons to either take out unnecessary rice or add rice from a rice bowl. In 4 hours, they packaged over 100 packages each that were later put into the boxes.


Participants include:

Monica Chen (4 hours)

Ethan Liu (4 hours)

Updated: October 3, 2023 — 2:12 am

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