Reported by ERIC LI
On June 10, 2023, AYLUS San Diego Branch ran the Rose Creek Garden volunteer event. The Friends of Rose Creek advocate for environmental and racial justice and ensure everyone has access to nature in their community. They recognize that Rose Creek flows through Kumeyaay land and are honored to do their part in caring for this amazing place. They invite collaboration with all communities. Their vision is for Lower Rose Creek to be an open space park providing recreational and learning opportunities and a clean, healthy, aesthetically pleasing environment for residents, visitors, businesses, and native plants and animals while serving as an accessible link for bicyclists, pedestrians, and wildlife to move between Rose Canyon Park, Marian Bear Park, Mission Bay Park, and surrounding communities.
The following volunteers participated 06/10/2023 event, 2.5 hours for each:
Sophia Song, Emily Zhu, Emmy Zhu, Angie Hu, Serena Liu, & Eric Li.