On June 25th, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) conservation team joined the communities again for the Forest Restoration events at the Billy Johnson Mountain Lakes Nature Preserve in Princeton.
Thanks to a generous gift of Northeast Monarch and Pollinator Habitat Kits from the Xerces Society, Friends of Princeton Open Space (FOPOS) is preparing to create a habitat for local pollinators at the Billy Johnson Mountain Lakes Nature Preserve in Princeton. Join us at the volunteer session to learn more about what we’re planting!
GPA members met at the Mountain Avenue Parking lot, 57 Mountain Ave, Princeton, NJ and then walked over to the project site as a group.
Volunteers worked under the guidance of FOPOS’ Natural Resources and Stewardship Director, Anna Corichi, on various tasks such as invasive species management, plant care, and caging young trees to protect from deer browse within the restoration project areas at the Billy Johnson Mountain Lakes Nature Preserve.
Volunteers worked to identify and remove target invasive species from the northern bank of Mountain Lake using pruners, loppers, and handsaws. Riparian areas play an important role in improving water quality by slowing down stormwater and filtering out pollutants before they enter the water system. Riparian areas also provide critical habitat for birds, insects, and aquatic life. We will work from the green trail towards the water-opening up the lake view!
Our work will prepare the site for future plantings as well as allow for existing native species including red oaks, sweet gum, and dogwoods to thrive.
Participants (6/25, 3 hrs per session): Tom Purui Cui, Sophia Wang, Adam Jiang, Brian Jiang, Andrew Chan (2 sessions, 6 hrs in total), Gilbert Teng, Jeffrey Jiang, Cici Yang, Vivien Yang, Mingze Emma Feng, and more.