The AYLUS of Bellaire volunteered at the first ever Houston Art Bike Festival at MacGregor Park on May 21, 2022 from 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
Houston Art Bike Parade & Festival is designed to showcase student and public art bikes and provide an opportunity for exploring Houston’s bayou greenways system. This day-long arts and culture celebration brought together community members and HISD students from across the city as we explore personal creativity, promote health and wellness, and celebrate the artist in everyone.
Volunteers first set up encouraging signs around the park for the bikers. Then, some volunteers helped sponsors find their designated area and set up their station. Other volunteers set up games for the children. Once the bikers started riding, volunteers handed out tickets for snow cones and tacos to bikers and spectators. Afterwards, volunteers helped pack everything up and throw away trash.
The following volunteers attended this event: (7:30am-1:30pm 6 hours): Shreyas Sinha, Alexander Tang, Alan Du, Miranda Wang, Zachary Xiao, (9:30am-1:30pm 4 hours) Helena Wang
Reported by: Alexander Tang