AYLUS Syosset members plant native plants at Long Island Native Plant Initiative 6/29/24

On 06/29/24, the AYLUS Syosset members went to volunteer at a native plant gardening greenhouse known as Long Island Native Plant Initiative. Some tasks that the Syosset members did were hosing down native plants, planting and putting soil into trays to grow more native plants on Long Island. We were accompanied by many fellow Syosset members and parents who helped us plant native plants in these greenhouses which were a part of the AYLUS Organization. We were successful in planting these native plants in the greenhouse with the help of Pam, the instructor of the Long Island Native Plant Initiative. Some of the native plants that we planted were Early Goldenrod, which is the earliest of the goldenrods to bloom and that attracts butterflies. Some benefits of this plant are that it reduces inflammation, relieves muscle spasms, fights infections, and lowers blood pressure. Another native plant that the Syosset members planted was Cardinal Flower. A cool fact about the Cardinal Flower is that the Cardinal flower is a member of the Bluebell Family. It was named after the Flemish botanist, Matthias de Lobel, in 1538-1616. Some benefits of this plant were that it was used as an emetic for an upset stomach from eating something bad. The plant was added to other medicines to give them more strength.  In the end, the Syosset members of AYLUS were very successful in planting these native plants with the help of advisors, parents and Pam. The AYLUS organization will continue to help the Long Island Native Plant Initiative with more members to contribute to planting these plants.
Syosset Members who participated included:

Felix Zheng (4 Hrs), Kyle Bao (4h), Wangyang Ji (4h), Brian Li (2h), Richard Li (2h), Jacob Ng (4h), Rayya Zheng (4h), Reyna Zheng (4h).



Updated: June 30, 2024 — 2:04 am

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