Chapel Hill Branch Volunteers at Dry Creek Trail Cleanup Event on June 1, 2024

On a sunny Saturday morning, AYLUS Chapel Hill volunteers gathered at Dry Creek Trail for a community cleanup, supervised by Chapel Hill branch advisors Hongyan and Yi. Arriving at 10:00 AM, volunteers Luna, Nicholas, and Alwin dedicated an hour and a half to picking up trash along the trail and near the school field. They collected multiple bags of waste, including plastic items, bottles, cans, takeout containers, and other styrofoam debris. By 11:30 AM, the area was significantly cleaner, leaving the volunteers with a strong sense of pride and accomplishment for their contribution to the environment and their community.


Volunteers who participated in this event are Luna Chen(1.5 hrs), Nicholas Wang (1.5 hours), Alwin Liu (1.5 hours), and supervised by Hongyan and Yi.



Reported by Luna Chen

Updated: June 9, 2024 — 6:13 pm

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