Pearland Branch Decorated Brown Bags for Kids Meals Nov 6th, 2023

In partnership with Engie, 14 AYLUS Pearland volunteers decorated 210 brown bags for Kids’ Meals, a project aimed at providing meals for underprivileged children. Using their artistic skills, volunteers infused the bags with creative artwork, crafts, jokes, and inspirational messages. These decorated bags will be used by Engie employees during meal distributions, adding a personal touch to the initiative and bringing joy to the recipients. This collaboration showcases the impactful synergy between community engagement and creative expression, emphasizing the importance of unity and kindness in addressing social challenges.


3 hours: Ashley Jiang, Ranbin Yao, Yanqiao Huang, Christy Zheng, Jordan Zheng, Abigail Zheng, Amelia Zheng, Aila Jiang, Wyatt Yin, Ivan Wei, Jiaqi Ren, Emma A Lu

2 hours: Elizabeth Kwan, Allison Zhang,

Updated: November 8, 2023 — 2:07 am

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