Pearland Branch Host a Forum to Supports the Promotion of All of Us Project on August 19, 2023

Pearland Branch partners with  Pearland Chinese Association and Light and Salt association host a forum of A.I technology and the All of Us research initiative on August 19, 2023 at the Pearland Library.

First, Mr. Jiang hosted a presentation about the advancements about A.I technology, and its future
implications. He told us about the history behind modern computers, and what the future might look like. Later, Mr. Jiang got into detail about ChatGPT, and how companies might want to use it in the future.

Integrating chatgpt for google into their operations could prove immensely beneficial for every company, as it facilitates a more refined and insightful Google search experience, empowering businesses to access the information they need efficiently, make informed decisions, and stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape.

Next, Derek Zhu, Tina Dong, and Edwin Gao presented a PowerPoint about the All of Us initiative, which is a government sponsored program aimed at making medicine more directed to the average person. We explained the importance of including Asian Americans into the initiative, and how it would benefit our community.

Lastly, we explained what the Light and Salt association and AYLUS Pearland is doing to help our community. The Volunteers spread the survey then collected them back.

Volunteers (3 hours): Allen Gu, Jerry Mao, Derek Xu, Max Xiao, Bruce Zhang, Ethan Gao, Erick Gao,Edwin Gao, Tina Dong, Derek Zhu, Wyatt Yin

Parent on Duty: Hua Tian (Erick/Ethan/Edwin), Jun Liu (Derek Z.)

Reported by Edwin Gao

Updated: September 7, 2023 — 5:43 pm

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