Pearland Branch Jr. Members Continued Online Tutoring in July 2023

During the month of July, Junior members of Pearland AYLUS volunteered to continue tutoring kids from around the greater Houston area. Tutors Clara Liu, Wyatt Yin, Gregory Song, and Christy Zheng taught engaging and fun classes that elevated students English. Lessons during July highlighted reading and vocabulary. Teachers used resources such as RazKids, and Brainpop to make lessons more engaging. These lessons helped students familiarize with reading in context and gave them a short story to share with their friends.

Gregory Song (1.5 hours per day): 7/15, 7/22, 7/28,7/29

Christy Zheng (1.5 hours): 7/22/23

Wyatt Yin (1.5 hours): 7/1, 7/7, 7/8

Alex Song (1.5 hours): 7/1

Updated: August 10, 2023 — 12:34 am

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