Chapel Hill Branch Donates Homemade Cookies to Meals on Wheels on July 17, 2023

 During the weekend, the AYLUS Chapel Hill Branch volunteers worked together to bake a hundred delicious cookies for the older adults in our community. These delightful treats were donated to Meals on Wheels, our local nonprofit organization dedicated to serving meals for the elderly, on July 17th.


We are grateful to the volunteers – Luna Chen, Jack Xu, Eric Sun, and Owen Xie – for their kindness and dedication. Their actions support Meals on Wheels’ mission of helping seniors age with dignity, and they also show the elderly that they are cared for and valued. We hope that more volunteers will join us in the future as small acts of kindness like these make a big difference in our community, and it will help to create a more compassionate and connected environment for everyone.


Our volunteers: Luna Chen (5 hours), Zhiyuan Xu (4 Hours), Eric Sun (4 Hours), and Owen Xie (2 hours)
Reported by Luna Chen
Updated: July 18, 2023 — 1:20 am

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