Edmond Aylus Volunteers at Library on 7-11 to 7-15

From 7/11 to 7/15, Julia worked four 3 hour long library shifts. At the Southwest OKC Pioneer Library, she assisted staff with the Music Connect program for kids; passed out instruments and demonstrated songs/dances to encourage participation; and ran through several test runs of the Scratch program with fellow volunteers, who gave feedback and advice to the participants.

At the Southern Oaks Metropolitan Library, Julia assisted staff with art programs, including Pet Portraits and Build a Robot; passed out and cleaned supplies; and checked in attendees in addition to working desk shift for the summer reading program where she logged hours of participants and distributed prizes of free books


Outside of the library shifts, Julia spent 1.75 hrs preparing for the Scratch coding program by experimenting with extra challenges to add to the game and compiling a Q & A sheet of possible questions to assist those coding the game.
Please note that Julia was unable to wear the shirt due to a direct request from the staff.

Julia Chen (13.75 Hours)

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