Edmond Aylus Branch Volunteers at Library on 7/2-7/8

Julia Chen has devoted her summer to volunteering at two separate libraries to help children of all age groups have enjoyable learning experiences over the break.


On the 2nd, she attended a 2-hour orientation at Pioneer Library, where she learnt about functions of the library and ways she could volunteer. In addition, during the rest of the week, she had three shifts at Pioneer and Metropolitan Libraries, with two 3-hour shifts and one 4.5 shift.


At the former, she assisted library staff with the “Kickstart Kindergarten” program where kids learned about rhyming words and patterns by passing out supplies, demonstrating songs and dances to encourage participation and putting away chairs and tables after event over in addition to planning material for a Scratch coding program aimed for kids, including making Powerpoint presentation and designing instructions for the game the kids will be coding. She will present program idea to library staff at a meeting on July 25th and may teach program in fall, and she hopes to encourage development of STEM skills through computer programming.


At the later, she worked the desk shift for the summer reading program, invited library patrons to sign up for it and distributed prizes to those who completed the challenge in addition to assisting staff with Lego building program where she explained activities to kids and cleaned Legos and tables after event over.


Julia Chen (12.5 Hours)


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