Pearland Branch Volunteered at the 2nd Annual LSA Healthy Living Style Youth Advocacy Program, June 20, 2023

Program Background: The Healthy Living Style Youth Advocacy program is a venture supported by the Prevention Institution and operated by the Light and Salt Association. Its primary objective is to advocate for healthy living among youth. Recognizing the importance of youth involvement, AYLUS Pearland volunteers were invited to contribute their expertise in program design, evaluation, and execution. In its second year, the program underwent modifications based on valuable feedback received from the previous year’s volunteers. As a result, the program expanded to a week-long intensive initiative, and college students were invited to lead the youth participants.

Day 2 activities:

The second day began with an engaging discussion on the various types of sweeteners and fats
commonly found in everyday diets. Volunteers actively participated in examining the nutrition labels of snacks, aiming to identify and document preferred snack options for different occasions. Then the volunteers educated the patients at the LSA’s charity clinic. This valuable information will also be utilized in upcoming community outreach events and health fairs, enabling individuals to make informed and healthier snack choices.

In the afternoon session, Dr. Huang provided a concise introduction to health policies that significantly impact Asian American society. The volunteers were then divided into groups, each tasked with illustrating the facts associated with different types of cancers using various creative formats such as graphics and cartoons. The collective output of these team efforts will be carefully selected to be included in cancer prevention brochures, effectively disseminating crucial information during community outreach events.

Volunteers (6 hrs): Cassie Lin, Aoyu Jin, Jordan Zheng, Abigail Zheng, Erica Gao, Junxi Ding, Bruce Zhang, Iris Yang, Jiaqi Ren, Daniel Sun, Fiona Byrd, Garbo Wood, Andrew Du, Hannah Zhou, Jacinta Huang

Report by: Jordan Zheng

Updated: June 29, 2023 — 3:28 am

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