Pearland Branch Volunteered at Concerts in the Park on June 2nd, 2023

On June 2, a dedicated team of volunteers from AYLUS arrived at Independence Park to help out with the city’s Concerts in the Park event. The volunteers were split into two groups, each with a specific task to complete. The first group was responsible for managing the parking lots, and they worked tirelessly to ensure that the cars were parked in neat rows and the traffic flowed smoothly. The second group was in charge of the city booth, where they handed out tickets and helped attendees fill out surveys to gather feedback about the attendees satisfaction.

The volunteers’ brilliant efforts and unwavering dedication contributed significantly to the success of the overall event. Their commitment to excellence and attention to detail ensured that everything ran smoothly, and their friendly and helpful demeanor made the attendees feel welcome and valued.

Volunteers with 3 hours: Alvin Zheng, Aoyu Jin, Amy Miao, Alexander Healy, Tina Dong

Parent on duty: Caroline F. (Tina Dong)

Reported by: Tina Dong

Updated: June 9, 2023 — 3:50 pm

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