Pearland Branch Officers To Discuss Future Events on May 25th, 2023

On May 25th, AYLUS Pearland Officers held a leadership meeting to discuss and assign responsibilities for various events and initiatives that would occur within the following year. The meeting was enriched by the participation of previously graduated officers who shared their experiences as leaders and offered valuable advice to the new officer team.

The primary objective of the meeting was to efficiently allocate officers’ expertise and resources to maximize the impact of AYLUS on the 30+ events that the Pearland branch assists in such as assisting students with special needs, tutoring, fundraising, and other activities. This ensured that no confusion would occur and every event would have an officer to lead it.

The leadership meeting for event assignments proved productive and successful in allocating officers’ responsibilities within AYLUS. AYLUS Pearland is ready to significantly help the community by optimizing its efforts, leveraging the skills of its officers, and achieving the desired outcomes in each and every event.

No service hours were awarded for this meeting

Officer Attendees: Aila Jiang, Alvin Zheng, Alexander Sun, Derek Zhu, Jordan Zheng, Jonathan Niu, Kara Liu, Mathew Niu, Tina Dong, Wendy Yin, William Sun, Zide Liu

Alumni Attendees: Andy Gu, Andy Jiang, Baron Niu, Kate Liu, Thomas Liang

Reported By: Alexander Sun

Updated: June 4, 2023 — 2:26 am

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