East Cobb Branch Members Help Local YMCA Healthy Kids Day Event on April 29,2023

On April 29, 2023, three members of the AYLUS East Cobb Branch, Jerry Xu, Kaila Li, and Kaisen Li, volunteered at the East Cobb YMCA Healthy Kids Day event. The event aimed to promote healthy living and active lifestyles for children and families in the community.

Jerry and Kaila arrived early to help set up snacks and drinks for the event. Throughout the day, they also assisted with distributing water and popcorn to the attendees. Their helpful attitudes and willingness to assist were greatly appreciated by the organizers and attendees alike.

Kaisen took an active role in engaging with the kids by playing pickleball with them. He showed great enthusiasm and energy, and the kids enjoyed the game and the opportunity to play with him.

The event was a success, with many families and children enjoying the various activities and workshops on offer. The AYLUS East Cobb members made a valuable contribution to the event, and their efforts were instrumental in ensuring that the day ran smoothly.

Overall, the East Cobb YMCA Healthy Kids Day was an enjoyable and educational event that provided children with the opportunity to learn about healthy living and have fun at the same time. The AYLUS East Cobb members’ volunteering efforts were greatly appreciated, and their contributions made a positive impact on the event and the community.

Reported by Jerry Xu


Jerry Xu 5 hours

Kaila Li 5 hours

Kaisen Li 5 hours


Updated: May 11, 2023 — 6:06 pm

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