Syosset Donates Handmade Pet Toys to The Anti-Cruelty Society, 4/29/23

Members of the Syosset branch helped The Anti-Cruelty Society by donating handmade toys for animals. They first went to their local Michaels where they bought supplies such as wooden dowels, twine, feathers, and bells. Then, using instructions provided by The Anti-Cruelty Society, members put together a variety of toys.


Members made feather wand cat toys by attaching feathers and bells to a piece of twine, which was then connected to a wooden dowel. They also made cardboard mouse toys with a provided template. They cut out the paper template and then traced, cut out, and assembled the toy mice. Furthermore, members also made cat cork toys by attaching feathers and twine to pieces of cork. Finally, members recycled old t-shirts and made them into dog tug toys. They cut four strips of fabric that were the same length and wove them together to make a dog toy. All the toys were shipped to the animals of The Anti-Cruelty Society.

Members participated include:

Sophia Liu (4.5 h), Rachel Zhang (4h)

Updated: April 30, 2023 — 12:52 am

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