Reported by Kevin Kan
On April 28th, San Diego students of Aylus presented its 1st Art gallery and Contest in CCA Student Service. The students coordinated with school to finalize a location for the Art gallery and contest and set up art pieces and voting box. The goal of this activity is to foster the talents and interests of Art students to participate in Earth day activities with their art work to inspire others to take action and protect our planet for future generations.
Take Action. Be a part of the green revolution. For Earth Day 2023, we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably).
Following volunteers participated on 04/23/2023 event:
Kevin Kan for 3 volunteering hours,
Steven Xiao for 2 volunteering hours,
Hans Yang for 2 volunteering hours.
Max Yang for 2 volunteering hours.
Lauren Kan for 2 volunteering hours.
Angela Li for 2 volunteering hours.