AYLUS Greater Triangle 4/1/2023Preparing Education Docents to Protect Endangered Lemurs at Duke Lemur Center”

On April 1, 2023, the Duke Lemur Center hosted an educational docent training program for its dedicated volunteers. The training program focuses on teaching the docents about lemurs, their behavior and their conservation.

Educational docents play a vital role in interacting with visitors and sharing knowledge about lemurs. They help visitors understand the importance of lemurs and the need to protect them from extinction. During the training programme, the guides learned about the different species of lemurs, their natural habitat and the threats they face in Madagascar.

.The training program includes an e-learning module in which docents learn about the center’s mission, vision and values. They also learned about the different types of tours the center offers, including general tours, behind-the-scenes tours and lemur encounters.
Education Docent Lemur E-learning

Tiffany Meng (2 hours)
Education Docent virtual Training
Tiffany Meng (3 hours)

jianhui jia 


Updated: May 4, 2023 — 1:00 am

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