Recently we have been working on Libraries with Love and after collecting all of the books, in order to prepare them to be donated away we need to organize them. Over the long weekend, 7 AYLUS members used their free time to organize hundreds of books into different grade levels. They classified them into 1st and 2nd grade together, 3rd to 5th grade together, 6th to 8th grade together, and books that weren’t age appropriate. Each box was labeled with the amount of books and which category they belonged to. As for the ones that were set aside we will sell them in a yard sale for fundraising and shipping costs.
To donate to the Libraries with Love organization, email or visit the website at for more information
Hours: February 17 to February 20
Bruce Wu – 3 hours for categorizing books
Brandi Wu – 3 hours for categorizing books
Chloe Lin – 3 hours for categorizing books
Natalie Lin – 3 hours for categorizing books
Amanda Yin – 3 hours for categorizing books
Emily Yin – 3 hours for categorizing books
Lillian Qian – 3 hours for categorizing books