Members of AYLUS Syosset participated in another school garden build project with the members of AYLUS Great Neck with the Stewardship Saturday Program at Bethpage. Members used garden shears to cut down massive amounts of the invasive greenbriar vine, a thorny, thin vine that made its way onto many trees in the area. Members also helped to shovel mulch into wagons which were laid down onto a designated dirt path. Though it is important to understand the significance of removing invasive plants, it is also equally important to make sure that this kind of education can be open to everyone, which is why AYLUS and many other volunteers are devoting their time to constructing a beautiful garden for the children of Bethpage. Lastly, members created a nestling area made of cut branches, trees, leaves and vines that were bunched together as a place for the local birds, chipmunks and other mammals to use as a habitat to live.
Members that participated include: Jessica Albrecht (3 h), Alyssa Huang (3.5 h).