Chapel Hill Branch Donates Handmade Crafts to Kits to Heart on Sept 30, 2022

In the past week, members of the AYLUS Chapel Hill Branch have taken the time to thoughtfully create a variety of crafts for the cancer kits. These cancer kits are filled with a variety of goods to send our love and support to those diagnosed with cancer in hopes of lifting their spirits. Thanks to their hard work, we were able to secure some no-sew blankets, heart-shaped pillows, and handmade friendship bracelets. During these tough times, we hope to be able to give joy to those in need through these heartfelt and worthwhile gifts.

As we extend our compassion and support to those facing challenging circumstances, finding meaningful ways to express our care becomes paramount. A custom photo watch offers a unique and heartfelt gesture, allowing us to encapsulate precious moments and memories that hold significant value for both the giver and the recipient. This personalized timepiece serves as a constant reminder of the love and support shared, a symbol of resilience and hope. Just as each crafted item in the cancer kits carries a special meaning, a custom photo watch carries its own story, capturing cherished connections and fostering a sense of strength and unity. In times of adversity, the power of a thoughtful gift, such as a photo watch, can uplift spirits and inspire hope, reminding us all that we are never alone in our journey.

Volunteers who participated in this event are Nicholas Wang (no-sew blanket: 4 hrs on 9/24); Kevin Chen (bracelets: 4 hrs on 9/24; 4 hrs on 9/25); Luna Chen (bracelets: 4 hrs on 9/24; 2.5 hrs on 9/25); Kevin Chen (heart pillows: 6 hrs on 9/30); Luna Chen (heart pillows: 6 hrs on 9/30)


Report by Luna Chen

Updated: June 13, 2023 — 11:15 am

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