AYLUS Greader Triangle 8/7/2022 donates clothing and essentials to support communities in need

Local community organization AYLUS recently made a donation to help individuals and families in need. Donations include clothing, as well as essential household items and small appliances. Recognizing the importance of supporting those facing challenges, AYLUS organized a fundraiser and received generous donations from the community. Donated items are carefully distributed to local shelters and community centers. Donated clothing will bring warmth and comfort, while household items and small appliances will help improve the daily conditions of those in need. AYLUS is committed to making a positive impact on the community and supporting those less fortunate. They hope that through donations, they can bring comfort and help to individuals and families in difficult situations. This act of kindness by AYLUS highlights the power of community support and the impact it can have on the lives of others.

1:Sky tianyi Han2(hours)

2:Michael yong 2(hours)

3:Ria wu2(hours)

4:Fengshuo Guo2(hours)

jianhui jia


Updated: May 9, 2023 — 5:26 pm

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