On July 16 2022, AYLUS Bellaire Branch members volunteered at ECHOS (short for Epiphany Community Health Outreach Services), a program that simply involved packaging various kinds of food for families in need. Examples include placing canned vegetables, meats, pasta, and other foods into plastic bags and tying them up.
This particular organization was founded back in 2001, mainly as a response to health and social service concerns of immigrants and refugees that had recently resettled close to the Church of the Epiphany at the given time. This organization’s overarching goal is “to help families meet their basic needs on their path to self-sufficiency, while addressing the social determinants of health.” With this in mind, AYLUS members worked diligently as they finished packaging items with around 20 minutes left to spare, and even exceeded the amount of food that needed to be packaged.
At today’s event, the members that attended the program included (2 hours): Andrew Liu, Jerry Zhang, Erin He, Yuruo Shen, Owen Cheng, Ellen Dai, Eric Li, Angelina Hoang, Evan Weng, Alexander Tang, Zoey Dou, Danica Du, Flora Thai, Nadine Li, Andrew Chen, Justin Lan, and Victoria Wang
Fantastic work!
Reported by Eric Li