AYLUS Pearland Plant Fundraiser in May 2022

This May, AYLUS Pearland continued to fundraise by selling home-grown plants and sprouts to the community. Volunteers went door-to-door within their neighborhoods to sell a variety of vegetables such as okra and cucumber, succulents like ruby necklaces, lotus, and other flowers. When fundraising in person, volunteers showed them a flier for the initiatives, such as the potential tennis camp for individuals on the Autism spectrum, and community members gladly bought or donated money to show support. Others also bought plants online to pick up. The Ekklesia Beyond Church placed a generous order of 60 plants to use as gifts for their summer retreat, showing how this fundraising initiative is not solely for money but rather a creative approach to promoting projects. AYLUS was able to raise a total of $540 and all proceeds will be going to the SMILE Program to support future and current projects for the special needs community. Our organization is hoping to continue this successful fundraiser annually to further our impact. 

Planting and care (5/14, 1hr): Aila Jiang, Zide Liu, Allison Zhang, Hannah Song, Kate Liu

Plant Sale Preparation: 

5/7/2022 (1hr to prepare plants for door-to-door sale) – Aila Jiang and Tina Dong.

5/24/2022 (2.5 hrs to prepare 60 plants for Ekklesia Beyond Church)- Greg Song, Galvin Song, Tina Dong and Aila Jiang.

Plant Sale (5/7/2022 2hrs): Galvin Song, Tina Dong, and Aila Jiang.

Report by Aila Jiang

Updated: April 8, 2023 — 6:46 pm

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