In May, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) announced the sixth lecture of our Data Science Lecture Series, taking place on Monday, May 16th from 4:00-5:00 pm ET over Zoom.
We have the pleasure of inviting Dr. Xing, Jinchuan, a professor of biostatistics at Rutgers University. He talked about data science in genomic studies, in his lecture “Data Science in Genomics,” before answering questions in a Q & A session.
The GPA host was Catherine Feng: Contacting speakers and advisors (1.5 hours, 5/3), Making flyers (2 hours, 5/3), Creating and sending out registration and follow-up form (1 hour, 5/3), Updating Website (1.5 hours, 5/7), Contacting Sponsors (1 hour, 5/15), Setting up Zoom meeting and sending out meeting invitations (1.5 hours, 5/15), Hosting the meeting (1.5 hours, 5/16).