Throughout September and early October, members of the Columbus AYLUS branch created 46 handmade placemats for the local Meals on Wheels program. The mats were delivered to the Dublin Service Center on October 15th so they could be distributed to Meals on Wheels recipients around the community.
Meals on Wheels deliveries help those who are 60 years of age or older and otherwise unable to receive in-person meals. This program has become of even greater importance during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as older residents, especially those who are further immunocompromised, have higher risks of both infection and severity.
These mats were thoughtfully crafted by a number of different volunteers, including Andrea Yu, Brenna Li, Rachel Zhu, Katie Lu, Joseph Lin, Nicole Lin, Catherine Harman, Olivia Wang, Evan Yu, Hannah Fan, Emma Yu, Grace Fan, and Max Wang.
This was the second round of placemats created this school year, and many volunteers chose to incorporate themes of fall or Halloween into their mats. Many more placemat donations will be forthcoming in future months.
Reported by Andrea Yu