Phoenix AYLUS Designed and made more bookmarks and School Academic Calendars on July 17-25th 2021

As a part school supply drive, Phoenix AYLUS members continue to design bookmarks and school Academic Calendars. After completed the design, they need to try to layout the design to maximize the output of prints, also try to match frontside page and backside page, it really take some times to figure out the best format. After printing, they need cut each small pieces, and then put them without any overlaps in lamination film, and then sent them into thermal lamination machine to get lamination done; finally they need cut the laminated big sheet into the small pieces, which can be donated to the school teachers and students.


The volunteers to contribute the events are:

Ethan Wei (6 hours): Design and 150 Basis Chandler School academic calendar & 50 bookmarks,

Katherine Wei (3 hours): Design and 150 bookmark of boys and girls club.

Audrey Zhang (6 hours): Design and 150 Tempe High School District 2021-2022 academic year calendars, 50 book marks

Angelina Zhang (3 hours), Design of Hamilton school academic calendars

Kaitlyn Ji (2hours):  deign of Calendar of chandler prep

Updated: July 25, 2021 — 6:55 pm

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