AYLUS Syosset NY Branch offered an English tutoring session (7/18/2021, #44)

On 7/18/2021, members of the Syosset AYLUS (Ryan Leung, Leo Cheng, John Thach, Alan Huang, Jasmine Chen, and Aika Siuzu) taught a ninety-minute English class to multiple newly immigrated high school students with varying degrees of proficiency in English. 

In class, there were 3 classes with 3 levels; Intro (Ryan, Greene and Aika), Intermediate (Alan, Leo and Emily), and Advanced (John, Jasmine). 

Tutors Leo Cheng and Alan Huang finished Unit 4 of Book 3 and moved on to the progress check. Grammar lessons on the topic of clauses were taught while going through the book. Past perfect was introduced with a review of past continuous and simple past. Lastly, student errors were corrected when doing the listening and speaking exercises.

Ryan and Aika went over a unit covering the topic of camping and the outdoors. Various activities such as camping, fishing and boating were taught to the students and vocabulary words were then given out for the students to make sentences and speak with. After, the students were taught a grammar lesson on the future tense. “Be going to” and “will” was the main focus of the lesson and students were issued lectures, dialogues and fill in the blanks to improve their usage of these phrases.

Student tutors Jasmine Chen and John Thach taught the advanced class of AYLUS Syosset’s 44th online ESL Tutoring class. In this class, the tutors continued doing a variety of speaking and communication activities with students. Students did a combination of vocabulary (buffet themed vocabulary slideshow), storytelling and speaking exercises through customized slides, games, Jamboard speaking prompts and video analysis of recipe videos.


The following students volunteered in today’s tutoring program: John Thach(1.5 hours), Leo Cheng (1.5 hours), Alan Huang(1.5 hours),  Ryan Leung (1.5 hours), Jasmine Chen (1.5 hours), and Aika Siuzu (1.5 hours). 





Updated: July 21, 2021 — 11:51 pm

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