On 1/17/2021, seven members of the Syosset AYLUS (Leo Cheng, John Thach, Ryan Leung, Alan Huang, Emily Lin, Jasmine Chen, and Greene Xue) taught a ninety-minute English class to new immigrants with varying degrees of proficiency in English. The classes were instructed in English to immerse the students in an English environment.
In class, there were 3 classes with 3 levels; Intro (Ryan and Greene), Intermediate (Alan, Leo and Emily), and Advanced (John and Jasmine). Our class had a student count of 16 with our reformed curriculum.
In the intermediate class, Emily Lin, Leo Cheng, and Alan Huang taught their lesson using slides which were based off of the “interchange” book. Unit 2, “Life in the City,” was completed during this session. Irregular and regular conjugations of the present tense were taught. The students’ English levels were also assessed using Kahoot.
Student tutors Jasmine Chen and John Thach taught the writing portion of AYLUS Syosset’s 23rd online ESL tutoring class. In this class, the tutors continued working out of the new Interchange ESL textbook and hosted the first review week! Students were able to play a game of Review Jeopardy, where they were tested on US culture, trivia, and vocabulary.
Ryan Leung and Greene Xue went over the different types of phrases that you would say at stores or garage sales. These phrases include… “How much does this cost?”, “No thanks, I don’t need any help”, and “Can you help me find (object)?” among others. We also went over demonstratives (this, these, that, those) and how to say numerical values of money ($22.99, twenty two ninety nine or twenty two dollars and ninety nine cents).
The following 7 students volunteered in today’s tutoring program: John Thach (1.5 hours), Leo Cheng (1.5 hours), Alan Huang (1.5 hours), Ryan Leung (1.5 hours) Jasmine Chen (1.5 hours), Emily Lin (1.5 hours), and Greene Xue(1.5 hours).