On December 23, 2020, members of the Puget Sound Branch hosted the Ask Us! High School Q&A Event.
This one-day event was a panel-styled Q&A where members of the Puget Sound Branch, Kelly C., Cecilia S., Sarah X., and Sophie X., and invited high school students to give advice about classes in high school and answer any questions from the audience. Panelists covered topics such as the major core subjects, electives, extracurriculars, athletics, and clubs. Panelists also shared many of their own experiences and stories to the audience. We had around 40 listeners in our event.
We are grateful for all the support our community and students have shown us with our first panel-styled event. To the panelists and participants, we thank you so much for attending and/or speaking in the event: we had a great time meeting and talking with you!