AYLUS Phoenix Prepare Medical Committee`s Medical Physics Seminar

AYLUS Medical Committee has decided that the topic will be about medical physics! Our guest speaker Dr. Matthew West works as a Senior Medical Physicist, and he will be talking about what medical physics is like as well as his overall experience in his field. In addition, he will provide tips for high school students interested in public health in general. In the end, the session will open up to a Q and A, where the attendees can ask questions for the guest speaker.
DATE: Saturday, October 10, 2020
INTRODUCING OUR SPEAKER: Dr. Matthew West has been a practicing medical physicist for nearly 20 years. He obtained a BS in physics and MS and Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering.  He has worked in both clinical and medical manufacturing environments as a medical physicist. He will present an overview of medical physics as a career choice as well as the Why, How, and What of being a medical physicist.
Medical committee members: Ryan Dong, Harold and Sophie made the preparation for this seminar.
Ethan Wei help for the Flyer.
Updated: October 5, 2020 — 6:10 am

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