AYLUS Pearland organized Donation to help Hobby Elementary School

During the first wave of COV-19 pandemic, AYLUS Pearland worked together to support our local community. Because of this we have been able to weather the storm and we have fared relatively well. However, as the economic toll from the corona virus outbreak continues to mount, a Pew Research Center server found that the pandemic has disproportionately affects lower-income areas. One of these communities is Hobby Elementary School, a Houston school where 99% of their students are economically disadvantaged.  AYLUS Pearland decided to help those students.

On July 18th, 2020, AYLUS organized a donation event specially for Hobby ES. Within two weeks, a total of $2700 raised from 46 donors. Those donors include not only AYLUS volunteers, but also elementary and middle-school students and parents from the community. The money has been delivered to Hobby ES on Sept. 17th, 2020. Mrs. Rainey, the school principal, was very appreciated for AYLUS’s caring and support. She wrote a Thank You letter to AYLUS, inside the letter Mrs. Rainey promised the money would be used to purchase technology to support virtual learning at home.

Reported by Andy Gu

Updated: September 28, 2020 — 3:21 am

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