Columbus Branch Participated in the Flocks of Hope Event

AYLUS-Columbus participated in the Flocks of Hope event organized by the City of Dublin in August 2020

According to ancient Japanese legend, cranes are mystical creatures that live for a thousand years, and if one were to fold 1,000 paper cranes (one for every year) then you would be granted one wish.

During this pandemic, as a community we have only one wish—for everyone to be safe, to be healthy, and to stay positive. To help spread this wish, City of Dublin asked the community to volunteer to fold paper cranes to show the unity and resilience of the community! This event is called the Flocks of Hope-Our Wish as a Community.

In a matter of less than two weeks, 16 members from the AYLUS-Columbus branch made a total of 497 beautiful and colorful paper cranes for the event. All the cranes were dropped off to the city office on 08/21/2020.  The project lead at the city of Dublin office, Linus Yu, came out to greet and thank the representatives of the group, Brenna and Dakun.

Linus said that these paper cranes will be displayed at the Dublin Community Recreation Center once the office receives 1,000 paper cranes.

Reported by Aidan Li

1. Brenna: 20
2. Nicole Lin: 36
3. Joseph Lin: 36
4. Rachel: 20
5. Catherine Harman and mom: 50
6. Angelika-Lili Susanto: 20
7. Andrea Yu: 50
8. Aidan Li: 20
9. Katie Lu: 15
10.Patrick Wang: 20
11.Emma Yu: 100
12.Christina Jin: 26
13.Kevin Wang: 30
14. Kyle Xuan: 7
15. June Ni: 20
16.Erica Shen: 27


Updated: August 23, 2020 — 4:32 pm

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