Phoenix Branch Makes Cards, Origami, and Thank You Videos for Local Hospitals and Front line Medical Workers

During this very stressful time, the Phoenix branch wanted to ease our community a little bit, especially those fighting on the front lines. Many of our volunteers participated in this event by making cards. Amy Xie made 30 cards for the medical team in local hospitals during the COVID-19 crisis: two sets of 15 cards contained a “thank you” message along with a small illustration showing appreciation. Each set took approximately 3 hours from gathering supplies to coming up with ideas and bring them to life with color.  In addition, Carol Chen also made cards to express gratitude towards medical workers during this time, as she crafted a colorful origami crane mobile hanger. Audrey Zhange also made many 3-D cards that pop up when you open them. Moreover, Katherine Wei, Ethan Wei, and Amy Xie made a video showing AYLUS volunteer events from 2019-2020 as well as a Thank You video showing appreciation to those sacrificing their lives and well-being in order to help others. Katherine and Ethan both spent 2 hours making informational slides for the video, and Amy spent 1.5 hours when adding in additional pictures taken from events and edited the video furthermore with music.

Updated: April 23, 2020 — 7:30 pm

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