On April 5, 2020, student members of the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA), Kevin Song and Karen Yang, teamed up and taught 5 kids from West Windsor in the subjects of math.
The 3-hour class offered by GPA members starts with an hour of prep for gathering materials around noon. Then at 3:30-5:30 Karen and Kevin teach Pre-Algebra class. The 5 kids, Kathy, Victor, Claire, Meisu, Claire, are in 5th grade, and being taught Pre-Algebra.
Kids went online again, beginning with signing up to a Google Classroom. This will enable more direct communication and answer key posting. Then, kids studied the entirety of Chapter 4, which was material on fractions. We began with a warmup and review of fractions according to what the kids have learned from school. The concepts of multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting fractions taught have different examples. We alternated between students doing examples and teachers showing work. Homework was to finish last week’s work since the kids said that it was a lot- answers and questions for review next class. Next week we will be online again.
Check their website for more tutoring pictures (https://sites.google.com/view/pjsg/home).