Phoenix Branch Volunteered At Midwest Food Bank on February 29, 2020

On February 29, 2020, the Phoneix Branch decided to help our community once more by volunteering at Gilbert`s Midwest Food Bank, which serves 200 agency partners and helps fight against hunger in the southwest region of the United States. The mission of Midwest Food Bank is alleviating hunger and malnutrition locally and throughout the world and providing disaster relief; all without discrimination. Their vision is to faithfully continue to help those in need by sharing the blessings. At the two-hour event, our volunteers helped out primarily with the labeling crew, where they helped put label stickers on packages.

Those who participated in the events are: Jiyu Wang, Lei Tang, Sydney Li, Ivy Wang,  Phoebe Wang, and Amy Xie

Updated: March 5, 2020 — 4:38 am

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