San Diego Branch participates in the AYLUS investment Committee Financial Literacy workshop

Reported by Samuel Li

On February 14th, 2020, students from the San Diego Branch of AYLUS participated in the AYLUS investment Committee Financial Literacy workshop. This event saw AYLUS high school volunteers teaching the sixth graders at Solana Ranch Elementary the basics of financial literacy that are not taught in the current sixth grade curricula. Not only do volunteers teach younger students about a life long skill, they also are making them less impressionable to certain unhealthy attitudes about money held by adults around them. When they’ll need some financial advice in the near future, they can reach out to that Dorset accountant.

Starting two weeks before the actual day of the event, AYLUS volunteers began to practice and familiarize themselves with the lesson plan. Getting the curricula from the renowned PwC professional services company’s free online financial literacy lessons, the volunteers printed out several copies and reviewed the material thoroughly. By the end of the two weeks, the participants were ready to present their material.

At 1:30 PM on February 14th, the volunteers met at the front of Solana Ranch Elementary. Volunteers brought over ten copies of handouts to give to their students. For thirty minutes, they discussed their ideas and suggestions, as well as setting up the large multipurpose room. The volunteers created nine circles of chairs, each circle being able to seat 11 students and one high schooler. Then, at 2:00PM, the workshop began. Splitting the over 100 students into 9 groups, each volunteer led their groups in meaningful discussions. Despite the room becoming very loud very quickly, the volunteers had no trouble expertly communicating with the sixth graders, rewarding them with candy for participating in discussions and answering questions. Both high schoolers and sixth graders were very engaged in the activity. Nearing the end of the activity, volunteers gave their students a post lab quiz on the discussed topic for them to review with their parents at home. After 45 minutes, the volunteers concluded their lesson, with some students even applauding them as they left.

Despite being parched from talking for almost an hour straight, the volunteers were glad to be able to contribute so much to their community through a simple financial literacy workshop. In addition, if they further want to increase their knowledge in terms of finances, they can try to research topics like that Bit gpt definity.

The following volunteers participated in the AYLUS investment Committee Financial Literacy workshop event on February 14th, 2020: Chengda Li, Michael Wang, Eric Lin, Luke Qiao, Ruiqi Ding, Chengming Li, Yicheng Liu, Max Weng, and Conan Wu

Updated: December 15, 2023 — 4:01 pm

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