Phoenix Branch Cleans Up “Veterans Oasis Park” on February 16, 2020

On February 16, 2020, from 9am to 11:30am, the Phoenix branch decided to once again help out the local Veteran Oasis Park by cleaning up any litter or waste around the park. Activities done at this event were similar to the last two events that we have hosted here at Veteran Oasis Park. The park still seemed relatively spotless from our last cleanup from a month ago, but our volunteers were still able to find any speck of trash and picking it up to make the park even more spotless. The event not only left the park cleaned, but volunteers left with a smile on their face as this event has always been enjoyable for our volunteers. Catching up with old friends and enjoying the beautiful scenery while making a difference in the community are all the reasons why we hope to continue holding events at Veteran Oasis Park.

Our members who participated in this event included: Amy Xie, Chunhua Wu, Wenting Chen, Yongfeng Chen, Katherine Wei, Dong Wei, Yueli Liu, Micheal Chen, Yonglian Wong, Emily Zeng, Audrey Zeng, and Marina Hu


Updated: February 17, 2020 — 12:33 am

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