Phoenix Branch Held a Bake Sale Throughout Neighborhoods in Phoenix, Arizona on October 5, 2019

On October 5, 2019, from noon to 8pm, the Phoenix branch spent 5 hours baking snacks and 3 hours selling the treats around neighborhoods. The money made was all donated to Salvation Army which is an international charity that has a membership of over 1.7 million, consisting of soldiers, officers and adherents collectively known as “Salvationists”. They strive to support those in need by healing their addictions, hunger, and homelessness.

Michelle Yu, Katherine Wei, and Marina Hu participated in this 8-hour event. Throughout the first part of the activity, the volunteers made six different types of treats: Rice Krispies (original, sprinkle, chocolate), cookies (chocolate chip, double chocolate), and pretzel sticks with frosting (chocolate and vanilla) covered with sprinkles (over 40 treats in total). After making the treats, volunteers packaged the treats in fall-themed bags. The volunteers went to over 20 houses and fundraised over $100! The activity not only taught effective communication and marketing skills but also allowed the volunteers to meet new people within their communities. The bake sale was a great success!

Updated: April 26, 2020 — 5:51 am

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