Reported by Steven Chi
Earlier 2019, I was selected as an assistant coach for one of the four “LEGO Robotics Team” in the West Windsor School District. As a member of Greater Princeton AYLUS (GPA), I am glad to have such an opportunity to serve my school community. Below is a summary of my services in March, 2019:
3/22/2019 (2 Hours: 7:00 – 9:00 pm)
Since March 23rd is Makers day, I went to help the group that’s going to present some projects at the West Windsor Library. They had started working on it next week, creating a remote control race car. This week, they worked on programming a robot to start and stop a timer for a zip line competition. Everyone made their own vessel and timed it. The fastest was at 1.4 seconds. They will present tomorrow.
3/23/2019 (2 Hours: 1:10 – 3:10 pm)
At Makers Day, I helped present to others the autonomous car. I was also tinkering with a remote control car, and explain that to people as well. I also created something for the zip line and tested it with the other kids.
3/24/2019 (2 Hours: 6:30 – 8:30 pm)
I returned to my old group and they started a project for the innovation fair in May. They split into two groups to create a robot that can collect colored crates and put them in their designated area. The team built the colored bricks and the groups started building the frameworks of their robots.
3/31/2019 (2 Hours: 6:30 – 8:30 pm)
The teams finished their robots and started programming. One group is ahead of another and have already figured out how to collect a box. They will continue to program and modify their design in the next class.