The AYLUS Houston Branch Hosts Their 6th – 9th English Writing Classes

Daniel Wei, one of the members in the Houston Branch, has opened up a new English Writing Class! During the summer, Daniel has been consistently leading a tutoring session for young students! Here’s what they have accomplished so far:

Lesson 6: The students have completed their personal narratives and learned 14 new vocabulary words! They have been continuously reading The Phantom Tollbooth and their nonfiction book of choice.

Lesson 7: The students have began to learn the descriptive writing techniques. They covered on how to use vivid vocabulary to “show, not tell” an image or short story. The students also learned 14 more vocabulary words. They have been continuously reading The Phantom Tollbooth and their nonfiction book of choice.

Lesson 8: The students review the Phantom Tollbooth and discussed the story in depth, the usage of puns, and even developed some puns of their own!

Lesson 9: The students reviewed the nonfiction book of choice and discussed the books in depth, and explained any parts that might have been troubling or hard to understand.

Event Coordinator: Daniel We

Enjoy the photos!

Updated: October 5, 2018 — 8:30 pm

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