AYLUS Great Neck Branch engages in physical activity with special needs children in Firefighter Park (18th)

On 17 May, 2024 from 5:30 pm to 6:30PM, volunteers from AYLUS Great Neck Branch gathered at Firefighters Park to support children with special disabilities. Firefighter Park is one of the most popular parks in Great Neck. Located near the middle of Great Neck Plaza, the park is an enjoyable spot for locals. It features playscapes designed to look like fire trucks, as it is dedicated to firefighters. The park also includes a large open field perfect for running and playing.

Prior to the event, they planned various game choices before hand, including tag, soccer, and hide-and-seek. The most desired of the activities were tag.
Throughout the event, the AYLUS volunteers facilitated games of tag and freeze tag. Their approach was to create a structured yet fun environment that would promote social interaction and provide a safe and secure space for the autistic children to play and connect with each other, it also gave an additional boost to their athletics.
This goal has been successful so far, as children with special disabilities are now interacting more with others.

Report by: Melody fan


Volunteers: Melody Fan, Austin Wong, Zoe Xia, Junbo Hu, Cody Ngo, Jack Tang (1hr)

Updated: May 22, 2024 — 12:09 pm

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