Ridgewood AYLUS Branch Finds Donations for the Lunar New Year Festival (1/13 and 1/15/2024)

Saturday, January 13th – Alan, Jack, Eric Lee, Rachel, Angela, Ryan, and Eric Zhou gathered to discuss plans to raise funds and spread news about the upcoming Lunar New Year festival. They devised a plan on what streets and businesses they would go to, and what they would say to those businesses. In the one hour and 30 minute meeting, they were able to plan the date and time, as well as what they would do in order to reach as many businesses as possible. Also, all members who attended the meeting prepared a total of 50 copies of 3 different flyers to hand out to potential interested businesses for January 15th.


Monday, January 15th – Members from the Ridgewood branch went around downtown Ridgewood looking for sponsors for the annual Lunar New Year festival, hosted at Ridgewood High School. They went around in two different groups. One of them consisted of Jack, Eric L, Alan, and Ryan. The other group consisted of Eric Z, Angela, Rachel, Roy, and Justin. Members each took turns talking to business owners about the New Year Festival, giving them further information about sponsorship and a phone number to call if they were interested. By handing out fliers to businesses, the branch was successfully able to advertise the festival, as well as securing a donation from the Shoe Inn. We were able to reach around 25 businesses, with most of them saying that they would relay the information to the owner and supervisor. We were able to cover most businesses in about one hour and 30 minutes.


Total Volunteer Hours:

Alan Wang: 3 hours

Jack Zhang: 3 hours

Eric Zhou: 3 hours

Eric Lee: 3 hours

Rachel Sun: 3 hours

Angela Casey: 3 hours

Ryan Syz: 3 hours

Justin Sheng: 1.5 hours

Roy Sun: 1.5 hours


Updated: February 19, 2024 — 7:55 pm

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