AYLUS Syosset Aids in Clearing Hiking Pathways in the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary & Audubon Center (12/9/23)

On 12/9/23, members of AYLUS Syosset aided in raking leaves on the tourist pathways and the field at the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary & Audubon Center, supervised by Joy Ciriglianl, senior coordinator for bird friendly communities. On the trails, the leaves covered the pathway causing it to be difficult to determine where the paths were however instead of being raked into piles and thrown away, the leaves were raked to the side for multiple environmental reasons.

Chiefly the leaves could be used as future fertilizer as well as the fact that many silk moths, lunar moths and butterflies may leave cocoons on the fallen leaves there by killing off their populations as their cocoons are thrown into landfills in plastic bags. The leaves were raked on to the sides in as uniform a manner as possible to prevent potential smothering of plants.

Members who participated: (3h each) Rayya Zheng, Reyna Zheng, Sarah Chen, Alexander Lin, Austin Lin, Sonia Chang, Sofie Chang, Chloe Wu, and Margaret Zhang.

Updated: December 16, 2023 — 1:45 pm

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