AYLUS Syosset Enchants the Syosset Street Fair by Performing Four Melodies, 11/12/23

On Sunday, 11/12/23, several members of AYLUS Syosset participated in the street fair by performing as a band to spread the joy of music and for the visitors to have a pleasurable experience as melodies filled the air. Between 11 AM to 12 PM, the band showcased four songs: Lonesome Warrior, Viva La Vida, Stand by Me and Take On Me. The band consisted of strings, piano, woodwind instruments, drums, brass instruments, electric and acoustic guitars, and singers. The band played on a stage, which was one of the many attraction sites in the street fair that the visitors could freely pass by. During the performance, the audience showed much enthusiasm as they cheered and applauded after each song. 

Participants (everyone 1h): Thea Chen, Chloe Wu, Angeline Zhang, Alexander Lin, Austin Lin, Harry Wolff, Nathan Chen.


Updated: November 19, 2023 — 8:22 pm

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