Riverside County AYLUS Members Donate Handmade Bookmarks and Books to a Local Senior Home in October 2023

During a recent meeting, the group brainstormed what could be done to help keep the seniors in our local senior homes entertained. Giving concerts has been one of the highlights when it comes to volunteering at a senior home for many of the RCA members. However, the group wanted to change it up a bit. It was then decided that the group would donate non-fiction books with handmade bookmarks. The senior homes do have libraries who rarely get restocked. RCA wanted to change that. During the month of October, the group worked on the bookmarks. The cardstock was prepared, cut to size and holes were punched. Then the cards were decorated with painted images and text. A thread was pulled through the hole to keep the bookmark secure. Then the bookmarks were donated together with the books that were handpicked by the members.
Giving back to the community, in particularly to the elderly is dear to our members. The group will continue to give back to the seniors through different events.


10/21/23 Sophie Chung, Khang Tran, Nicholas Navarro, Robert Tran 1 hr each; Kayla Paulsen, Alyssa Paulsen 2 hrs. each
10/25/23 Sophie Chung, Khang Tran, Nicholas Navarro, Robert Tran, Evan Chang, Kyan Chang 1 hr each
10/26/25 Evan Chang, Kyan Chang 1 hr each






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