AYLUS Syosset teaches basketball to elementary schoolers at A.P Willits on 10/15/2023

On 10/15/23 Members of AYLUS Syosset went to A.P Willits, to teach basketball to elementary schoolers. The Dedicated coaches who volunteered, played a pivotal role in enhancing the students’ foundational basketball skills, further elevating their fundamentals to a higher level. Notably, the elementary school participants exhibited considerable advancement in shooting and dribbling abilities. After these events the coaches of Aylus Syosset continues to test the progress by following it up with a game. These were evident when seeing their application in the pickup games they engaged in. Some even gained new understanding in techniques, such as pump fakes, many forms of passes, and the ability to find the open teammate


Members who participated include: everyone (2h):

Xinyong Zhang, Rowen Zhu, Tyler Zhu, Wang yang Ji, Tianrui Zhou, Kanbi Yang, KeXuan Chen, Suiwai Li

Updated: November 2, 2023 — 9:57 pm

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