AYLUS Syosset Continues Teaching Chinese at the Syosset Public Library, 9/18/23

On Monday, 9/18/23, members of AYLUS Syosset taught young children the Chinese language basics. Various topics were covered as the class was split into groups based on skill level. Students with more experience were seated in the back while new learners were placed in the front. Those in the beginner range learned colors, fruits, numbers, and greetings. Children at an intermediate level or higher discussed stories and practiced daily conversations about their hobbies, feelings, etc. Each teacher (volunteer) was assigned to a separate group. At the end of the lesson, the children and parents formed a large audience while the teachers stood in the front, sharing the cultural aspects of the Mid-Autumn festival. The story of Chang E and Hou Yi was told both in English and Chinese. After a brief Q&A session between the students, parents, and teachers, mooncakes were introduced and distributed to everyone in the room, including all students, teachers, and parents.

Volunteers (1h): Thea Chen, Suiwai Li, Suiying Li, Xinyong Zhang, Xuanyu Liu


Updated: October 1, 2023 — 11:02 pm

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